Are you sharing your Victim Story or Passion Story?

Understanding the Difference

As entrepreneurs, we often find ourselves narrating our experiences through two distinct lenses: the passion story and the victim story.

The passion story revolves around the "why" behind our entrepreneurial journey, encapsulating everything we are deeply passionate about – our mission, the positive aspects of our work, and the meaningful contributions we make. Sharing our passion story fosters connection, conveys our commitment to our tasks, and spreads positivity, cultivating a productive mindset and attracting people to us like a magnet.

The victim story is a compilation of the challenges, setbacks, and the aspects of our work that we dislike. It extends beyond professional hurdles to include the events in our lives that thwarted our pursuit of an idealized perfect life.

It's not uncommon for individuals to share their victim stories. The allure of the victim story lies in its relatability – we've all faced obstacles and disappointments. However, focusing on this narrative can be emotionally draining, not only for ourselves but also for those around us. I don’t know about you, but I dislike following people who are always negative, sad or angry. It’s simply draining.

The Power of Focusing on Your Passion Story

While it may be tempting to default to the victim story, the real magic happens when we consciously choose to center our narrative around our passion story. This shift in focus is not about denying or dismissing challenges; rather, it's a strategic choice to emphasize the positive aspects of our journey, both personally and professionally.

When we share our passion story, we inspire others by highlighting the purpose behind our work. This creates a ripple effect, fostering a culture of optimism, resilience, and innovation. It attracts more positive people, changing your network for the better.

Embracing the passion story allows us to tap into our intrinsic motivation, reinforcing our commitment to our goals even in the face of challenges. It empowers us to view setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable roadblocks.

While it may not be easy or even possible at times (we all go through difficult experiences throughout our lives) we do have the power most of the time to shape our lives and our story!

During your photoshoot, we encourage you to practice showing up as your highest, most empowered self. It’s within you, you need to practice letting that person out more.

Are you an Entrepreneur over 40 ready to step into your power? This photoshoot is for you.

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