high achiever

High Achiever Savoir-Vivre: 5 Essential Rules for Professional Success

Have you heard the saying: “people will forget what you said but they won’t forget how you made them feel”? Mastering the art of business savoir-vivre is crucial on the journey to becoming successful.

Here are 5 Essential Rules for Professional Success:

  1. Keep Your Word

Promises and commitments are the currency of trust. When you say you will deliver a project by a certain date or meet a deadline, it's imperative to honor that commitment. Reliability builds trust, and trust is the absolute bedrock of successful professional relationships.

Breaking promises or consistently failing to meet commitments can damage your reputation and erode the trust others place in you. It’s always better to under promise and over deliver.

2. Respect Boundaries

Respecting boundaries is a fundamental aspect of business etiquette. This involves recognizing and honoring the personal and professional boundaries of others. It's crucial to be mindful of people's time, privacy, and personal space.

Avoiding intrusive questions, not overstepping personal boundaries, and being aware of cultural differences contribute to creating a respectful and inclusive workplace. By respecting the boundaries of others, you demonstrate a high level of emotional intelligence and professionalism.

3. Communicate Expectations

Clearly articulating expectations ensures that everyone is on the same page and minimizes misunderstandings. Whether it's setting project goals, outlining job responsibilities, or discussing performance expectations, communication is key.

Effective communication involves active listening as well. Taking the time to understand others' perspectives and concerns fosters collaboration and teamwork. Communicating expectations helps avoid multiple problems.

4. Professional Presentation

A polished and professional presentation style reflects a commitment to excellence and attention to detail, reinforcing the positive image you project in the business world. People assume things about us based on how we present ourselves, whether in person or online. If we look messy, they’ll assume our work is messy. If we look outdated, they’ll assume our expertise is outdated.

A big part of professional presentation is being on time. I always try to follow this rule: “10 minutes early is on time, on time is late and 10 minutes late is not acceptable”. Even if something happens, by trying my best to follow this rule I can minimize being late.

5. Take Responsibility for Yourself

Taking responsibility for your actions and decisions is a mark of true professionalism. If mistakes are made, own up to them and take the necessary steps to rectify the situation. Avoiding blame-shifting and acknowledging your role in both successes and failures demonstrates integrity and accountability. At the end of the day, we’re all human and mistakes happen from time to time.

Avoid any kind of victim behaviours to be seen as professional, always focus on what you can do not on what you cannot do.

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6 Ways to Reignite Passion for Your Business

In the world of entrepreneurship, we all experience periods of burnout and a dwindling passion for our ventures. However, reigniting that spark is crucial for long-term success.

Here are six ways to reignite your passion for your business:

  1. Reconnect with Your 'Why': Remember the initial reason you started your business. Reflect on your core values and the impact you wanted to make. Reconnecting with your 'why' can reignite the passion that fueled your entrepreneurial journey. Write it down, put it where you can see it daily, and let it serve as a constant reminder. Your ‘why’ might even give you new marketing and service/product ideas.

  2. Set New Goals: Sometimes, passion wanes because you've achieved your initial objectives. Set new, exciting goals for your business. These goals should challenge you and inspire growth. The pursuit of new objectives can reignite your entrepreneurial spirit and enthusiasm. This one always works for me!

  3. Embrace Learning and Innovation: Stay current with industry trends and continuously seek opportunities to improve and innovate. Attend workshops, conferences, and webinars to gain new insights and perspectives. The excitement of learning and implementing fresh ideas can reignite your passion for what you do. Embrace change, because it is the only constant in the business world.

  4. Delegate and Seek Support: If you're feeling overwhelmed or uninspired, it might be time to delegate tasks that don't align with your strengths or passions. Surround yourself with a strong support system, whether it's a mentor, business coach, or a team of dedicated employees. Knowing you don't have to do it all alone can rekindle your enthusiasm.

  5. Celebrate Small Wins: Don't wait for major milestones to celebrate. Recognize and appreciate the small victories along the way. These moments of success can boost morale, renew your energy, and remind you of the progress you're making.

  6. Connect with Like-Minded Business Owners: Networking and building relationships with other business owners who share your values and goals can provide a wealth of inspiration and support. You'll not only gain fresh perspectives but also create a community of like-minded individuals who understand the unique journey of entrepreneurship.

Remember that passion is a renewable resource! By following these steps, you can breathe new life into your journey and continue to thrive.

It's not just about achieving success; it's about staying passionate and enjoying the journey towards it.

You are not alone and there’s always several solutions to a single problem.



Master these 5 Things to Become a High Achiever

In the pursuit of success, there's a common desire to not just achieve, but to excel. High achievers stand out for their consistent ability to turn dreams into reality. While the journey to becoming a high achiever is unique for each individual, there are fundamental principles that can pave the way for remarkable accomplishments.

In this blog post, I’m diving into 5 Things to Master to Become a High Achiever:

1. Master Your Craft:

All the marketing in the world will not help if your work is not good. Becoming a high achiever often starts with a deep commitment to mastery. It's not just about being good at what you do; it's about striving for excellence and continuous improvement. When our work is our passion, we always want to dwelve deeper and master it further.

2. Effective Communication:

Communication is a cornerstone of high achievement. People can’t read our minds, so making sure we communicate clearly and set expectations is absolutely crutial. As we work on our assertiveness and confidence, our communication improves.

3. Focus on Taking Smart Action:

It’s very easy to overthink and difficult to take action. High achievers know the focus should always be on moving the ship forward, not overthinking details no one will notice. Instead of getting caught up in busywork, prioritize tasks that align with your goals and have a significant impact. Embrace strategic planning and time management techniques and when you catch yourself overthinking, bring it back to action. With practice, this will become easy.

4. Align Yourself with Other High Achievers:

The saying, "Your network is your net worth," holds true in the pursuit of high achievement. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who share your drive and ambition can propel you forward. High achievers often tap into networks of mentors, collaborators, and peers who challenge and inspire them to reach new heights. These connections are PRICELESS. Learn how to nourish relationships and help others.

5. Take Care of Yourself First:

While the path to success may demand hard work and dedication, neglecting your well-being can lead to burnout and hinder long-term achievement. Prioritizing self-care, including physical health, mental well-being, and work-life balance, is essential. High achievers recognize that taking care of themselves equips them with the energy and resilience needed to navigate challenges and sustain success over the long haul.

As I continue my journey, it’s interesting to see these 5 things are important to all entrepreneurs, regardless of the industry.

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